Saturday, April 30, 2011

Angry Birds

 Angry Birds For Sale!!!!!!

 One of my aunt had bought some Angry Bird's key chain,decoration,soft toy and coin box.So,I help her to sell those Angry Birds.If need more information about those Angry Birds,please leave your note as a comment.Thank You.

The key chain

The coin box

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Speech Day 华语演讲比赛


Today is my school speech day.I was one of the contestant.My number is 8. Before the competition, I was very nervous. I was very scared that I will forget(but luckily I didn't). Before some day of the competition, I had found out that one of the contestant was also using the same speech as mine although his teacher knew that I was using it.I was very angry.However,I still can't do anything.I was also very curious about my result because they did not announce the result.

Handmade Cards

 My Handmade Cards

I had made a birthday cards for my friend last year.It is a card with some  flying balloon.

Besides that, I also  made a Christmas card for my friend in Taiwan.The Christmas card that I had made is  very special.It is Christmas countdown card.Every window has a different number of day.So, every day open one window.You will see different picture in each window. In the end,you will need to open a door.Then, you will see a Christmas tree in the door.It is a surprise!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anne of Green Gables and Me!

My class in Cosmotot is reading a book called "The Anne of Green Gables" .So, I decided to draw a picture about the characters in the book.Anne(right) is the main character in the story,and as for Diana(left),she is Anne's best friend at Anvolea.They always play together and help each other.Actually,Anne was an orphan.However in the end,Matthew  and Marilla ,two older person had adopted her.Anne is a talkative,smart,hardworking,obedient and imaginative girl.She could talk sooooooo much without stopping.She also liked to imagine something interesting.This book is an interesting book to read although it is a very long story.

This is the picture that I draw.How does it looks?